Timelines:1950 until today
- historic
- Abstract Film
- Animation
- Architecture
- Expanded Cinema
- Color Organs
- Film Score
- Games
- Gesamtkunstwerk
- Graphic Notation
- Interactive Art
- Sound art
- ArtistMusician
- Light Shows
- Literature
- Live Visuals
- Painting
- Music
- Musical Theater
- Music Video
- Performance Art
- Software Art
- Sonification
- Sound Design
- Dance
- Dance Film
- Video
26 Topics in Compendium
- systematic
- Audiovisual Perception
- Color-Sound-Analogies
- Conceptual Correlations
- Montage
- Parameter-Mapping
- Structural Analogy
- Synchronization
- Synesthesia
- Transformation
9 Topics in Compendium
- Introduction to the compendium
- Introduction to the essays
- Hybrids at the Interface of Sound and Vision
- Separation and Conjunction
- Deaf Dumb Mute Blind
- The Expanded Image
- Between the Poles of Mickey Mousing and Counterpoint
- Sound and Image Worlds in Pop Music
- Audiovisual Interactive Art
- On Hearing Eyes and Seeing Ears
- The Question of Thresholds
- Audition and Ergo-Audition
12 Essays in Archive
- Promises of Music for the Eye
- Unreconciled
- Borderline Art
- New Modes of Perception
- Come Together—Let’s Dance
- Site.Sound.Industry
- Audiovisual Experiments
- Background Noises—Institutional Sounds
8 Areas in the Exhibition