Non-random associations of graphemes to colours in synaesthetic and non-synaesthetic populations, (eds.) Julia Simner, Jamie Ward, Monika Lanz, Ashok Jansari, Krist Noonan, Louise Glover, David A. Oakley , exh. cat. Cognitive Neuropsychology (2005)
@article{Simner.2005, author = {Simner, Julia and Ward, Jamie and Lanz, Monika and Jansari, Ashok and Noonan, Krist and Glover, Louise and Oakley, David A.}, year = {2005}, title = {Non-random associations of graphemes to colours in synaesthetic and non-synaesthetic populations}, pages = {1069-1085}, volume = {22}, number = {8}, journal = {Cognitive Neuropsychology} }
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